Name | ||
List of Addresses of Participants after the close of the [Plenipotentiary Conference and Administrative Radio Conference] (Geneva, 1959) [English/French/Spanish]/Liste d'adresses des participants après la cloture [de la Conférence plénipotentiaires et la Conférence administrative des radiocommunications] (Genève, 1959)/Lista de Direcciones de los Participantes despues de la clausura de [la Conferencia de Plenipotenciarios y la Conferencia Administrativa de Radiocomunicaciones] (Ginebra, 1959) Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.9.44.m7.100 |
"Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1959)." Telecommunication Journal 26, no. 11 (1959): 232-237. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.9.57.en.100 |
"The Achievements of the Geneva Conferences: First Assessment." Telecommunication Journal 26, no. 12 (1959): 256-258. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.9.57.en.101 |
"The Technical Assistance Problem at the Plenipotentiary Conference." Telecommunication Journal 26, no. 12 (1959): 263-265. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.9.57.en.102 |
"Some Reflections on the Major Decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference, Geneva, 1959." Telecommunication Journal 27, no. 5 (1960): 98-104. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.9.57.en.103 |
The Morning Electron (Montreux, 1965) Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.10.36.en.100 |
El Electron de la Mañana (Montreux, 1965) Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/ |
Electron du Matin (Montreux, 1965) Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/ |
Compulsory Settlement of Disputes: Optional Additional Protocol to the International Telecommunication Convention (Montreux, 1965) Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.10.43.en.101 |
International Telecommunication Convention: Final Protocol and Additional Protocols to the Convention, Resolutions, Recommendation and Opinions (Montreux, 1965) Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.10.43.en.100 |
Records 8,281 to 8,290 of 8,842