Name | ||
Du sémaphore au satellite. Édition par Anthony R. Michaelis. Genève : Union internationale des télécommunications, 1965. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/ |
"Remembering Donald Maitland: The Missing Link Report: The Maitland Legacy. ITU News, no. 7 (2010): 62-63. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.9.57.en.199 |
"The Missing Link: Report of the Independent Commission for World Wide Telecommunications Development." Telecommunication Journal 52, no. 2 (1985): 67-71. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.6.57.en.100 |
Kniestedt, J. "The first 20 years in the development of the International Telegraph Union: Review on the International Telegraph Conference in Berlin, 1885." Telecommunication Journal 55, no. 9 (1988): 610-614. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.31.57.en |
"IFRB: Activities of the International Frequency Registration Board." Telecommunication Journal, 40, no.8 (1973): 402-407. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.3.57.en |
Télégraphie internationale avant la création de l'Union télégraphique Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/ |
Overview of ITU's History Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.28.57.en |
Jones, Robert. "The global framework for radiocommunications." ITU News, no. 3 (2006): 29-31. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.27.57.en |
Timofeev, Valery. "From radiotelegraphy to worldwide wireless: how ITU processes and regulations have helped shape the modern world of radiocommunications." ITU News, no. 3 (2006): 5-9. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.26.57.en |
"ITU and Technical Co-operation: The Record." Telecommunication Journal, 40, no. 8 (1973): 398-538. Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/12.2.57.en |
Records 7,311 to 7,320 of 8,842