Name | ||
Volume I: Emission; Reception; Vocabulary [CCIR, 1963] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.276.43.en.1001 |
Volume II: Propagation [CCIR, 1963] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.276.43.en.1002 |
Volume III: Fixed and Mobile Services; Standard-Frequencies and Time-Signals; Monitoring of Emissions [CCIR, 1963] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.276.43.en.1003 |
Volume IV: Radio-Relay Systems; Space-Systems; Radioastronomy [CCIR, 1963] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.276.43.en.1004 |
Volume V: Sound Broadcasting; Television [CCIR, 1963] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.276.43.en.1005 |
Volume VII: Information Concerning the XIIth Plenary Assembly; Structure of the CCIR; Lists of Texts Adopted by the CCIR [CCIR, 1970] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.278.43.en.1010 |
Rapport 252-2: Méthode provisoire du CCIR pour l’évaluation du champ et de l’affaiblissement de transmission de l’onde d’espace pour les fréquences comprises entre les limites approximatives de 2 et 30 MHz / Report 252-2: CCIR Interim Method for Estimating Sky-Wave Field Strength and Transmission Loss at Frequencies Between the Approximate Limits of 2 and 30 MHz / Informe 252-2 : Método Provisional del CCIR para Evaluar la Intensidad de Campo y la Pérdida de Transmisión de la Onda Ionosférica de Frecuencias Comprendidas Entre los Límites Aproximados de 2 y 30 MHz [CCIR, 1970] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.278.43.en.1011 |
Supplément No. 1 au Rapport 340 : Atlas CCIR des caractéristiques ionosphériques / Supplement No. 1 to Report 340: CCIR Atlas of Ionospheric Characteristics / Suplemento No. 1 al Informe 340: Atlas CCIR de las Características Ionosféricas [CCIR, 1970] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.278.43.en.1012 |
Report 440: General Graphical Symbols for Radiocommunications [CCIR, 1970] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.278.43.en.1013 |
Volume I: Emission; Reception; Vocabulary [CCIR, 1966] Handle ID: 11.1004/020.1000/4.277.43.en.1001 |
Records 5,821 to 5,830 of 8,842